Cheryl Phillips is one of Grand Junction’s claims to fame in the quilting world. Phillips Fiber Arts is a world-renowned company known for its innovative quilting tools that Phillips designed and her husband, Gary, makes by hand.
Phillips’ designs are unique in that many of them are, as Cheryl says, “without corners.” Phillips’ most representative designs are her circular quilts that she constructs with her Wedge rulers that she created. Pictured here (right) are two examples of Phillips’ designs that are reminiscent of designs from Native cultures that influence this territory.
Phillips has been featured on Alex Anderson and Ricky Tims’ The Quilt Show, an online quilting show that showcases prominent quilting instructors from around the world. Phillips has also filmed numerous YouTube videos in which she and her daughter introduce quilters to Phillips’ unique techniques, designs, and patterns. In 2021, Phillips received the Outreach Award by the Colorado Quilt Council “for her many outstanding contributions and support of the art of quilt making and quilt appreciation.” Phillips is a true treasure that we are proud to call our own.
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