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"I am living the dream! I get to spend my days working with beautiful fabrics, beautiful designs and beautiful people. AND I get to share about something I love! Don't get me wrong, there is plenty of hard work and stick-to-itiveness. But I am so blessed to have this vocation, to have been given these opportunities," Jenny exclaims.

One of her favorite quotes is "Fortune favors the prepared mind" from Louis Pasteur. Jenny explains her journey toward the "prepared mind." She says there are three key traits: creativity, teaching ability and performance.

"I have always been creative and had a love of color. I remember organizing my box of crayons in color order. I fed that drive with books, magazines, tv shows and videos. (I call this part "vicarious crafting", because I often went long stretches not making a DARN thing, just reading about it!) I learned garment construction, embroidery and crewel, floral design and even an unsuccessful attempt at knitting. I often combined patterns, these sleeves, that neckline, this skirt, to get just the vision I wanted. When I started quilting, it brought all theses skills together and I was happily trapped. My little sewing space in the laundry was my oasis. To be a designer, you have to blaze your own trail. Others' ideas can be an inspiration, but you have to have your own point of view."

She comes from a long line of teachers. Her dad was a high school math teacher for years. Her mother taught English and Spanish, and her birth-mom taught special needs children for years. "I always have an inner dialogue about how to teach something. 'Now, when you add the potatoes to the pan, don't crowd them or they will steam.' I was in my 40s when I realized not everyone has this running commentary! I spent 14 years honing this skill when I home-schooled my daughters."

Jenny continues, "I love to teach, quilt, design, be on stage and on camera. MY greatest motivations are to entertain, encourage and educate. I hope that I do that for you."
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